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Coastal resources depletion blamed on ignorance of law OceanDocs
Gratian, L..
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Coastal zone.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Coastal vulnerability, resilience and adaptation to climate change OceanDocs
Klein, R.J..
The work presented in this PhD thesis has not been carried out within a single, well-defined project. Instead, it integrates the results of a number of studies conducted from 1994 onwards, each of which had different clients and objectives. The common theme of the studies has been the description and analysis of elements that determine how coastal systems and communities would and could respond to climate change and, in particular, how this response may be assessed as part of coastal vulnerability studies. Coastal zones are amongst the most dynamic natural environments on earth, providing a range of goods and services that are essential to human social and economic well-being. Coastal zones represent the narrow transitional zone between the world’s land...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Vulnerability.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Composition en cires, triglycérides, protéines et sucres du mésozooplancton ArchiMer
Alayse-danet, Anne-marie; Daniel, Jean-yves; Le Coz, Jean-rene.
Analyses effectuées sur le zooplancton total des pêches verticales au WP2 et sur des animaux triés à partir des pêches horizontales (Campagne RCA sur les côtes Atlantiques du Portugal). On ne signale pas de différence significative entre la composition biochimique des populations du large et de la côte
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zooplancton; Milieu marin; Composition chimique; Glucide; Cire animale; Triglycéride; Protéine; Océan Atlantique Nord; Upwelling; Méiofaune; Portugal; France; Zone côtière; Zooplankton; Marine environment; Chemical composition; Carbohydrate; Animal wax; Triglyceride; Proteins; North Atlantic; Upwelling; Meiofauna; Portugal; France; Coastal zone.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Contribution de l''etude des suspensions a la comprehension des mecanismes hydrosedimentaires estuariens et littoraux en Manche centrale et orientale ArchiMer
Dupont, J; Lafite, R; Lamboy, M.
Satellite imagery shows the turbid and thermal plume of the Seine River and littoral zone of Picardie and Haute-Normandie. The suspensions have been analysed in conformity with a strategy elaborated in 1985 by the authors. In this macrotidal coastal environment they have attempted to draw the dynamic specificities and the material characteristics.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estuarine front; Harbours; Coastal zone; Estuaries; Marine environment; Composition; Particle concentration; Granulometry; Hydrodynamics; River plumes; Suspended particulate matter.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Contribution of Cameroon: An outlook of Cameroon's coastal zone OceanDocs
Keumejio, E.D..
Like all coastal zones, the cameroonian coast is a complex and diversified environment, controlled by atmospherice, marine and terrestrial phenomena. This diversity is a result of natural changes, human activities, and even the diversity of resources. Coastal zone falls among the most productive ecosystems in the biosphere; they possess specific attributes from which socio-economic development can either benefit, or suffer. Thus their harmfulness is a commensurate with their potentials. In effect, these zones are often subjected to chaotic, and even destructive exploitation wich tends generally to off set the ecological equilibria.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Sustainability.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Coral reefs and their management in Tanzania OceanDocs
Wagner, G.M..
Coral reefs are very important in Tanzania, both ecologically and socio-economically, as major fishing grounds and tourist attractions. Numerous fringing and patch reefs are located along about two-thirds of Tanzania’s coastline. These reefs have been partially to severely degraded by human (primarily destructive fishing practices) and natural (particularly coral bleaching) causes. These immediate human causes have been brought about by various socioeconomic root causes, particularly poverty and lack of proper management. After decades of human and natural impacts there has been only limited reef recovery. This paper presents a region-by-region analysis of trends in the condition of coral reefs in Tanzania in relation to the causes of damage. While earlier...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Aquatic communities; Coastal zone; Fishery management; Coral reefs; Aquatic communities; Fishery management; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Cote D’ivoire Coastal Zone : Phase 1: Integrated Environmental Problem Analysis OceanDocs
Ibo Guei, J.; Kouassi Aka, M.; Kouadio, A.; N’Goran Ya, N.; Jacques, A.; Kaba, N.; N’guessan, N..
This report is part of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)-Medium Size Project (MSP) on the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Sahara Africa. The objective of the first phase of this project , involving eleven Sub-Saharan African countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa and Tanzania), are to: • identify sites or living resources of national, regional and global significance that are suffering measurable degradation; • identify sites and resources of regional significance that, although not currently degraded, are threatened with future degradation either because of the sensitivity of the receptor or the magnitude of the activity posing the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Integrated coastal zone management; Environmental planning.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Cycle du mercure en estuaire, baie de Seine et pays de Caux ArchiMer
Laurier, Fabien.
The Seine estuary and its adjacent region Pays de Caux are two significant sources of mercury for coastal marine environments. It is carried through fluvial means for the Seine bay and through karstic fresh water emergences for Pays de Caux's coastal area. Mercury cycle in the Seine estuary and bay is affected by additional anthropical activities. The estuary's maximal turbidity area acts like a trap and a chemical reactor for fluvial mercury. Within this area, we can confirm: (i) the non conservative behaviour of dissolved mercury; (ii) mercury enrichment of particles when comparing the Seine's and marine environment and we suggest mercury particle redistribution from the organic fraction to the oxyhydroxydes fraction. A large fraction of mercury is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Seine; Pays de Caux; Estuary; Coastal zone; Speciation; Bioavailability; Mercury; Pays de Caux; Seine; Estuaire; Emergence; Zone côtière; Spéciation; Biodisponibilité; Mercure.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Dégradation des ressources halieutiques et de la biodiversité marine et côtières: les initiatives salutaires du Chef de l'Etat OceanDocs
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine resources; Biodiversity; Marine fisheries; Coastal zone; Marine resources; Marine fisheries; Biodiversity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Development And Climate Change In Egypt: Focus On Coastal Resources OceanDocs
El Raey, M.; Hagenstad, M.; Smith, J.; Agrawala, S.; van Aalst, M.; Conway, D.; Moehner, A..
This report presents the integrated case study for Egypt carried out under an OECD project on Development and Climate Change. The report is structured around a three-tiered framework. First, recent climate trends and climate change scenarios for Egypt are assessed and key sectoral impacts are identified and ranked along multiple indicators to establish priorities for adaptation. Second, donor portfolios are analyzed to examine the proportion of development assistance activities affected by climate risks. A desk analysis of donor strategies and project documents as well as national plans is conducted to assess the degree of attention to climate change concerns in development planning and assistance. Third, an in-depth analysis is conducted for coastal zones...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Climate change; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Dinophysis acuminate (dinophyceae), une espèce à géométrie variable sur les côtes françaises ArchiMer
Lassus, Patrick; Marcaillou-le Baut, Claire.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morphologie; Variabilité; Ultrastructure; Croissance; France; Dinophysis acuminata; Europe; Milieu marin; Zone côtière; Phytoplancton; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta; Morphology; Variability; Ultrastructure; Growth; France; Europe; Marine environment; Coastal zone; Phytoplankton; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Distribución de metales en sedimentos costeros del golfo de Guacanayabo OceanDocs
Arencibia Carballo, G.; Isaac, M.; González, H..
Of great importance to our country economy in the coastal zone running along the Gulf of Guacanayabo because of the different species nurseries having commercial interest. Studies on Al, Pb, Zn, and Cu contents within the surface sediments along 210 km of coastal areas, where 42 stations were located are carried out in the work. Results obtained are used for distribution analysis of elements within the zone and their relationships with the domestic and industrial population groups.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Heavy metals; Sediments; Coastal zone; Heavy metals; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Du modele à la nature : l'exemple de la côte Togolaise OceanDocs
Rossi, G.; Baritse, L.; Blivi, A.B..
La côte togolaise, basse et sableuse, soumise è une violente érosion par suite d'une série d'erreurs d'aménagements, a fait l'objet en 1987-1988 d'importants travaux destin's à protéger sur 15 km la ville d'Aného et l'usine de phosphates de Kpémé, principale industrie du pays. La préparation de ces travaux, de protection, rendus indispensables par la gravité des enjeux économiques et sociaux, a nécessité des études hydrologiques et sédimentologiques très détaillées, ainsi que la construction et l'exploitation par un bureau d'étude spécialisé de deux importants modèles physique (32 x 20 m) destinés à optimiser le dispositif de protection et à déterminer l'évolution du trait de côte sur une période de 25 ans...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Sedimentology; Coastal erosion; Coastal erosion; Http://
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Dynamique des eaux (en Baie de Seine): Synthese des discussions ArchiMer
Chabertd'Hieres, G.
The discussions about "water dynamics" have dealt with the knowledge of long-term water mass circulation (from several days to several months), by the effects of three parameters: tides near limits and in the Seine Bay, turbid freshwater discharge (Seine river) and winds. This communication gives information about Eulerian and Lagrangian drift, used for residual current exhibition.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagrangian current measurement; Eulerian current measurement; Mathematical models; Coastal zone; Residual flow; Hydrodynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Dynamique des suspensions et des depots: Synthese des discussions ArchiMer
Larsonneur, C.
During the debate, the observations have dealt with balance-sheets, swell influence, sediment movements, and sedimentation flow deducted from suspensions studies. General remarks have been formulated, and a distinction of main fluvial mouths in the French littoral have been suggested.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Drowned valleys; Deltas; Estuaries; Coastal zone; Particle motion; Suspended particulate matter; Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Dynamique du carbone et des nutriments dans la zone côtière Baie de l’Aiguillon-Pertuis Breton et influence des apports terrestres du bassin versant du Marais poitevin ArchiMer
Lannuzel, Reva.
Coastal zones represent key systems in biogeochemical cycle couplings between continents, oceans and the atmosphere transporting considerable amounts of matter, energy and nutrients (C, N, P et Si) from land to sea. Despite its relatively modest surface area (7 % of the global ocean surface), this zone accounts for 14–30 % of all oceanic primary production. The present study deals with nutrients and carbon dynamics during a full hydrologic cycle in 2017 over the terrestrial-aquatic continuum formed by the Poitevin Marsh-Aiguillon Bay- Breton Sound to better understand terrestrial export influence on the coastal zone. Carbon and nutrient concentrations were sampled twice a month over heterogeneous sites (estuaries, channels and coastal sites) to integrate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone côtière; Biogéochimie; Carbone; Nutriments; Chlorophylle a; Limitation potentielle et réelle; Dynamique.; Coastal zone; Biogeochemistry; Carbon; Nutrients; Chlorophyll a; Real and potential limitation; Spatio-temporal dynamic..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dynamique sédimentaire et répartition granulométrique des sédiments de surface dans la frange littorale Ras Taguermess-Ras Marmour (golfe de Gabès) OceanDocs
Brahim., M.; Abdelfattah., A..
Les analyses granulométriques des sédiments superficiels de la zone côtière située entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmours montrent que les petits fonds (-2 à -10 m) sont couverts par des sables fins aux sables grossiers (la moyenne est entre 0,39 et 3,34 ), généralement mal à très mal classés. Cependant, le haut de plage situé entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmour est couvert essentiellement par des sables fins et des sables moyens (la moyenne est entre 1,082 et 2,823 ). La répartition spatiale des sables ne montre pas un grano-classement décroissant ou croissant des sédiments de la côte vers le large. Cette distribution est due à l‘existence d’une énergie importante où la houle joue le rôle essentiel sur leur répartition. L’étude granulométrique montre aussi...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Beaches; Coastal zone; Grading; Grain size; Longshore sediment transport; Sand; Sediment analysis; Sediment texture; Sediments; Swell.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dynamique sédimentaire et répartition granulometrique des sédiments de surface dans la frange littorale Ras Taguermess-Ras Marmour (golfe de Gabès) OceanDocs
Brahim., M.; Atoui, A..
Les analyses granulométriques des sédiments superficiels de la zone côtière située entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmours montrent que les petits fonds (-2 à -10 m) sont couverts par des sables fins aux sables grossiers (la moyenne est entre 0,39 et 3,34 ), généralement mal à très mal classés. Cependant, le haut de plage situé entre Ras Taguermess et Ras Marmour est couvert essentiellement par des sables fins et des sables moyens (la moyenne est entre 1,082 et 2,823 ). La répartition spatiale des sables ne montre pas un grano-classement décroissant ou croissant des sédiments de la côte vers le large. Cette distribution est due à l‘existence d’une énergie importante où la houle joue le rôle essentiel sur leur répartition. L’étude granulométrique montre aussi...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Beaches; Coastal zone; Grading; Longshore sediment transport; Sediment analysis; Sediment texture; Sediments; Swell.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Eastern Africa Atlas of Coastal Resources: Kenya OceanDocs
Marine fisheries in Kenya are based on a small number of species, the most important of which are demersal and caught by artisanal fishermen operating between the shoreline and the reef. Of the national total annual fishery production only 7.4% comes from marine waters. Freshwater fish landings in Kenya have always been higher than those from coastal waters. However, while the disparity was not too great until the mid-1970s, the difference has broadened significantly due to the marked increase in freshwater fish production since then. While freshwater fish production increased from around 22,000 tonnes in 1975 to 138,000 tonnes by 1989, marine fish landings have remained consistent between 5,000 and 8,000 tonnes over the same period.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Atlases; Coastal zone.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Eastern Africa Coastal Forest Programme OceanDocs
Younge, A..
The eastern African coastal forest ecoregion is recognised as one of Africa’s centres of species endemism, and is distributed over six countries (Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi). Most is found in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, which form our focal region. The coastal forests are fragmented, small and surrounded by poor communities that have a high demand for land and forest resources. Although coastal forests have significant cultural and traditional values for local communities, they do not receive adequate support from the relevant government authorities and international conservation institutions. WWF has over 10 years research and conservation experience on the eastern Africa coastal forests in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Forests; Endemic species; Coastal area; Ecological zones; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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